
Smiling woman holding umbrella near tree in autumn park

Libra season is the epitome of relationship season this year. It’s not just that the sun and Mercury are in the sign of the scales during the first half of the month—it’s also the hot, sweet, and spicy aspects that Venus and Mars are making along the way (with one another and with other planetary bodies).

Libra is usually one of the more relationship-oriented astro seasons, but this one is bringing the heat, starting with a powerful solar eclipse in Libra on October 2. This evocative, electrifying eclipse is in close proximity (aka conjunct) with feminist icon Black Moon Lilith, so patriarchy’s gonna need to get out of the way.

Another major positive about eclipse season this month: This eclipse (a new moon) finishes up its chaotic business on October 2 at 2:49 pm ET—so at least she’s not going to mess up all of October (note that I’m calculating the official end of eclipse season on October 17, the day of the full moon).

The eclipses of the last two years are winding down to make way for a new series in Pisces and Virgo, and this is the last eclipse in Libra for the next nine years. The house in your chart where Libra lives is getting a major jolt of energy, an intense wakeup call, and a reminder that sometimes things (and people) have to exit our lives to make space for what’s supposed to come our way—the karma is karma-ing now. Think of eclipses as a cosmic force that eclipses what we no longer need from our lives, so we can experience our highest growth.

On October 11, we’ll also be seeing Pluto station directly in Capricorn for the last time ever in our lifetimes. This energy is speaking directly to the experience of our collective and the election vibe, so pay attention to the days around this station for that proverbial pre-election “October surprise” (although I expect we may have at least five surprises throughout the month with this astrology!).

The full moon in Aries (not an eclipse!) lands on October 17, so look to the Aries arena of your chart to see what you can heal and release. Think back to The Great American Eclipse last spring (it was on April 8, if you’ve forgotten) and ask yourself: What was initiated at this time? If it’s something that you’re pretty sure isn’t working, this would be a good time to let it go.

The sun enters Scorpio on the 22, welcoming the official start of witching season, peaking on Halloween (Samhain), but active all the way through the third week of November. Now’s the time to play with magic and mayhem, because November’s astrology is intense as hell.

October 2024 monthly horoscope for each zodiac sign

Looking for even more astrology insights? Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

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October’s stars are screaming, “Have you checked on your love life lately?!” As one of the most independent signs, you can go for months without worrying too much about relationships, but with a major solar eclipse in your seventh house of partnership, it’s time to pay attention and take notes. The sun is in this part of your chart through October 22, bringing energy and emphasis on the topic of your “other half,” whether you’re single or partnered.

Topping it all off with a bright-red bow, the full moon is in your very own sign on October 17, and if your birthday falls between April 12 and April 16, you’ll feel this the most. Recall what was going on in your life around the solar eclipse in Aries last spring to get a sense of what’s up for you now. After the sun slips into your eighth house of deep intimacy on October 22, you’re ready to take all of this partnership work to the next level with a lover.

Career and money:
With Venus in your house of “other people’s money” for most of the month, you might be able to pay back some debts or make a sizable dent on a credit card bill. With Mercury opposite Uranus in your money zone around Halloween, you might want to avoid impulse purchases, because they can come back to bite you.

Love and relationships:
The love planet remains in your emotional intimacy zone through October 17, dramatizing and deepening your sexual relationships. Coupled with the ultra-powerful solar eclipse in your relationship sector on October 2, one thing is certain: Your relationships will be transforming this October.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

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Fall is in full swing and Libra season is here to help you get directly down to business. With an intensely powerful solar eclipse landing in your work and wellness zone on October 2, you may be ready to embark on a whole new way of taking on the day. Even if you haven’t consciously decided to change up your daily schedule, these stars suggest that it’s time for a daily ritual reboot.

Take note: Avoid burning your candle at both ends during the first week of October, as you might be more susceptible to viruses if you’re run down. The full moon is in your house of dreams on October 17, and although it can lustily rev up your fantasy life, it can also cause a bit of insomnia, so resolve to stay on a smart sleep schedule at mid-month. The sun enters your partnership zone on the 22, immersing you in all things relational during the final week of the month.

Career and money:
Lucky Jupiter stations retrograde in your money zone on October 9, making this an excellent moment to reflect on and reassess your financial situation, especially since your last birthday. During the coming months, you can course-correct in order to make the very best out of this once-in-twelve-years opportunity to expand your fortunes.

Love and relationships:
Your planetary ruler Venus brings sweetness and affection to your partnership zone through October 17, but she’s on fire on October 14 and 15—possibly the most exciting days of the month for your love and sex life.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

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Libra season is here to help you get your flirt on, Gemini. With the sun and your ruler Mercury in your fifth house of romance during the first half of the month, you’re confident, creative, and oh-so verbally astute—at least, when it comes to your sexting game. The solar eclipse in this part of your chart suggests major transformation for your love and/or creative life; the next six months could be incredibly juicy and dynamic.

The full moon in Aries on October 17 calls your attention to your social life—what’s been brewing in the group chat lately? Something that first came up last April can bear fruit now, or show you why it’s time to let it go. After October 22, the sun strides into Scorpio, heating up your work zone for the next four weeks.

Career and money:
When Venus trines Saturn from your daily work zone to your professional sector on October 4, you’re empowered to plan, strategize, and take bold steps to make more money. This would be a great moment to work on your budget, ask for a raise, or apply for a better paying position elsewhere.

Love and relationships:
Not only are the sun and Mercury lighting up your love zone during the first half of the month, but love planet Venus enters your partnership zone on October 17, the day of the full moon in your house of friends. In short, you’ve got big love all around you—and big emotions about it all.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

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Home is always where your emo heart is, but this October, you get even deeper insight into why you’re built to be a domestic goddess. With a powerful solar eclipse hitting your family zone, your obsession with your roots goes to a new level. It could be time for that ancestral deep dive you’ve longed to do—or perhaps a major reshuffling of your current accommodations. You may find that sometime in the next six months, you’re ready to start (or end) cohabitating with a lover or roommates, maybe switching one sitch for the other. After the sun settles into Scorpio on the 22, your fifth house of pleasure gets warmed up, just as a chill returns to the air. It’s getting super cozy up in here, Cancer.

Career and money:
An intense full moon releases in your career zone on October 17, encouraging you to let go of any outsized goals you set for yourself last April, near the Great American Eclipse. It may just be that you’re tweaking a part of your plan, but it’s not healthy to put too much pressure on yourself to perform during the days before and after this lunation.

Love and relationships:
With Venus, Mercury, and the sun all spending time in your love zone this month, October is dripping with romantic possibility. And when the love planet trines Mars in your sign on October 8, the erotic energy is off the charts—make it date night, if you can.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

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October is all about the way you talk and text, Leo. With a life-changing solar eclipse in your communication zone on October 2, there is even more power in your words than usual. In short, be careful what you wish for out loud. It’s easy to say something you don’t necessarily mean, leading to consequences you weren’t expecting, so reply to emails and verbal callouts with caution, and hold off on consequential conversations until at least a few days after the eclipse.

The hot-to-trot full moon in Aries might have you getting on the road or booking a trip at mid-month—perhaps one you’ve longed to take during the last six months. After October 22, the sun slides into your domestic zone, perfect for adorning your sweet and humble abode.

Career and money:
When Pluto stations direct in Capricorn for the final time this century (no big deal), it’s doing so in your work and wellness zone. This is a pivotal point for your daily duties, and an opportunity to say no to stress and yes to deep self-care—and to commit to this every single day going forward.

Love and relationships:
Your flirting skills are extra spicy with the sun and Mercury in your talking and thinking zone, and when Venus enters your pleasure zone on October 17 (on the same day as the full moon) it amps up your romantic life through the end of the month.


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

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The solar eclipse in your security sector can provoke a deep reevaluation into your relationship with the material realm at the start of the month. If your self-worth in any way relies upon what you have, rather than who you are, something could get upended in early October. By the time your planetary ruler enters your communication zone on October 13, you’re ready to have some important conversations, because now you’ll be at the top of your game.

The full moon in your transformation zone pushes you even further toward necessary change on October 17—perhaps up to and past your comfort zone, but the release you’ll feel if you let yourself go there is pretty profound, Virgo. After the sun joins Mercury in your communication zone on October 22, you’re fully in command of your thoughts, ideas, and the messages they generate.

Career and money:
Mercury trines Jupiter in your career zone right before the luck planet stations retrograde on October 9, temporarily slowing down professional progress you’ve been making since last spring. If you have to pause to review and reconsider a career change you’ve been contemplating, don’t see it as a setback—Jupiter will continue to expand your professional prowess through late next spring.

Love and relationships:
With Saturn in your relationship zone since 2023 as Pluto finishes its very long visit to your house of romance and pleasure, let’s just say partnerships have been intense as of late. As the transformation planet stations direct for the final time on October 11, know that your deep, difficult, relentless work is about to be done—and when it comes to love, you deserve to have fun.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

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Happy birthday, Libra bb, and what a birthday season it is! The solar eclipse in your sign portends big and likely necessary change, even if it’s change that you’ve resisted for the last six months or so. This is the final Libra eclipse in the series that has bounced back and forth between your house of self and your house of others during the last two years. You know that phrase, “relationships are a mirror”? This whole experience has been a crash course in understanding exactly what that means.

Something about who you are and how you see yourself transforms at the core of your being as you pass through this portal. By the time you get to the full moon in your relationship zone on October 17, your tolerance for petty drama that doesn’t resolve anything may be totally tapped out. In short, you’re unwilling to be anyone’s doormat just to get along. From now on—at least for the next six months—you’re only interested in love, friendship, and creative projects that are meaningful and deep. Positive vibes only. The sun’s entry into your financial zone on October 22 may also make you want to shop ‘til you drop, but it’s better to invest in long-term, practical strategies.

Career and money:
Your planetary ruler Venus is in your money zone through October 17, and the sun moves into this part of your chart on the 22. Coupled with passionate Mars moving through your career zone, you’ve got both the magnetism and the manifestation skills to attract lucrative projects all month long.

Love and relationships:
The full moon in your partnership zone can be explosive, but only if you passively allow the others in your life to be in the driver’s seat while you sit around and look pretty. If there is anyone in your life who expects this of you (or worse, demands it), this lunation is the perfect opportunity to cut them loose in favor of someone who sees what you’re truly capable of.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

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Part of you wants to stay incognito and remain underground early this month, Scorpio. The solar eclipse in your dream zone on October 2 might be jarring for your inner life, potentially causing a bit of insomnia at the start of the month. At the same time, it’s an extraordinary opportunity to do some deep body-mind healing using whatever tools feel most meaningful. Whether it’s dream-journaling, traditional psychotherapy, yoga, EMDR or astrological counseling, you can dive down to the deepest core of your psyche and work to release pain from your past.

The full moon lands in your work and wellness zone on October 17, and you may feel ready for a reset in your daily life, but only after letting go of an unhealthy goal you might have set for yourself last spring. If daily stress feels exhausting and crushing around these days, aim to take at least one to-do off your list and save it for next month. After the sun enters your own sign on October 22, igniting your birthday month, you feel more ease, and may be willing to come out of those shadowy corners into the spotlight for a hot minute.

Career and money:
Cash magnet Venus enters your money zone on October 17, the same day that the full moon alights in your work zone, reminding you that sometimes taking a break from an all-consuming project or a career push can counterintuitively be the thing that lightens your financial load.

Love and relationships:
Venus is in your stars until October 17, making it impossible for people to ignore your ~hotness.~ Whether you’re single or attached, this annual shot of stellar sweetness is pretty pleasing both to the eye and to the heart. When Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in your love zone on October 15, fantasy definitely surpasses reality.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

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Your social life is at the white-hot center of your world this month, and the solar eclipse might bring up some intense feelings about your friendships on October 2. It may be time to make some big changes in the old group chat, Sagittarius. Whether you meet folks through a volunteer effort (like election canvassing or a GOTV happy hour), or a happenstance introduction through colleagues, it may seem like a new series of connections are fated in some way. Be open to all kinds of people you encounter, because someone you vibe with could end up being the one who pulls you to the next stage of your life—in the best possible way.

The full moon in your sister sign Aries sets your love zone on fire on October 17—the same day that sweet Venus moves into your stars. After October 22, the sun heads into your subconscious sector, so you may feel a bit less like socializing with big groups, but one-on-one romantic action should continue to have a lot of appeal.

Career and money:
Pluto stations direct in your financial zone on October 11, signaling that you’re almost at the true end of a challenging rite of passage in your relationship with money—the concept of it as well as its practical purpose. When Venus is opposite Uranus in your work zone on October 14, a surprising source of income could show up, and you might spend it just as quickly as you earned it.

Love and relationships:
On October 9, your planetary ruler Jupiter stations retrograde in your relationship zone for the first time since it entered Gemini last May. What does this mean? The breakneck speed with which you’ve hurtled toward partnerships could slow down a bit during the next few months. There’s nothing wrong with taking a breath and considering your next romantic move, Sagittarius.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

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The stereotype about Capricorn’s career-obsession is often repeated and may annoy the hell out of you, but this month, that narrative has some powerful resonance. The solar eclipse hits your tenth house of professional endeavors on October 2, marking a major moment in your trajectory to the summit of the proverbial mountain. Whether it indicates a fork in the path or a straight shot to the top becomes clearer in the next six months.

Pluto has been in Capricorn for 15 years, and the planet of karma and transformation awakens from a long retrograde in your sign for the final time (for the next several centuries) on October 11, lightening your load. The full moon in your home zone on October 17 beckons you back to your private sanctuary. This may feel like a moment of overwhelm necessitating a need for downtime and privacy—or, you could just carve out a couple of days of quiet self-care in advance, without being forced into it by stress. The sun shifts into your social zone after October 22—you’re ready to come out and play just in time for Halloween.

Career and money:
Your professional life is under the microscope at the start of the month in profound ways. But when the sun in your career zone squares Mars in your relationship sector on October 14, there could be some friction with a business partner or colleague you work with closely. Try not to make any rash decisions now.

Love and relationships:
You’re so obsessed with success early in the month that you could entirely forget the existence of your love life, but that would be a mistake, because relationships are sweet, juicy and surprising when Venus opposes Uranus in your pleasure zone on October 14.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

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Your entire worldview could shift early this month as a potent solar eclipse smashes into your ninth house of new experiences on October 2. This stunning celestial event could feel electric, like the stars are turning on a hidden set of neon lights in your already-brilliant brain. In short, you’re likely to have some sort of breakthrough—write down or take voice notes on everything you think of, even the ideas that seem silly. During the next six months, once of these tiny nuggets of thought could be the tour de force that becomes your very own Ted Talk of 2025.

The full moon in Aries lights up your communication zone on October 17, making you want to shout it all out to anyone within hearing distance. Caution is warranted now—blurting out your first thought can end up causing unnecessary friction with a friend or lover. An extra bit of advice: Only share your most brilliant ideas with those in your circle of trust until you’ve fully formed them. After the sun slips into Scorpio on October 22, you start thinking about your career in more formal, proper ways. No, your pie-in-the-sky, totally out-there ideas aren’t exactly “shelved” right now, but they’re on the back burner so you can focus on more practical, immediate modes of success.

Career and money:
Money-magnet Venus is in your career sector through October 17, and when she trines your traditional ruler Saturn in your financial zone on October 4, you’ve got access to the kind of stability and structure that can build long-term security.

Love and relationships:
Lucky Jupiter stations retrograde in your romance realm on October 9, and this is actually a good thing for your love life. Taking it a bit slower and giving yourself the chance to think through and feel more deeply into the decisions you’ve made about relationships is exactly what you need. You’ve got plentiful pleasure on tap through next June, and this is just a moment of reflection on it all.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

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After last month’s utterly metamorphic lunar eclipse in your sign, you may be over the whole concept of eclipse season, Pisces, but there’s one more to go. The solar eclipse in your eighth house on October 2 just amps up the overall transformation theme in your life, but this time, it’s about your future, not your past. Clearing the slate and healing old hurts has made space in your life for what you now know: that change is the only constant. Breathe through it all and know these deep lessons have an important evolutionary purpose for you.

The full moon in your money zone offers some practical clarity after all these profound spiritual awakenings you’ve been having lately, answering questions like, “What’s my budget?” before you put that $300 sequined blazer in the cart. After the sun sails into Scorpio, your sister water sign, you begin to feel some deep and profound ease again with eclipse season behind you until next year.

Career and money:
Pluto stations direct in your career zone for the final time in the last 15 years, signaling the end of an era—you’ll never go back to professional endeavors that lack meaning. The bigger news is the full moon in Aries on October 17, a somewhat difficult lunation in your financial zone. Paying off debts accrued during the last six months, or at least taking a stab at repayment, can make this more empowering and less energy-sapping.

Love and relationships:
Eclipse season brings a lot of things, but one of those things is a deep stirring in your intimacy sector, which you might find surprising in the midst of the deeper spiritual work you’re doing. With Mars already in your fifth house of romance and pleasure and in a sweet trine with Venus on October 8, the post-eclipse vibe is pretty damn sexy.

(FYI! Well+Good’s monthly astrologer, Stefanie Iris Weiss, has a brand-new book available now, called Sex and Your Stars: A Sexologist’s Guide to the Erotic Energy of the Zodiac)