July’s powerful astrology brings both the fireworks and the waterworks. It’s Cancer season, so the emotion is LOUD, but with communication connoisseur Mercury and sweet Venus moving into Leo (summer’s super-hot middle child) we start to feel the sizzle early in the month.
(Psst: You can get a chance to win a free astrology reading with Well+Good’s resident monthly astrologer, Stefanie Iris Weiss, by pre-ordering her new book, Sex and Your Stars: A Sexologist’s Guide to the Erotic Energy of the Zodiac.)
Conversations could be quite heated leading up to July 4 thanks to an opposition between Mercury and Pluto the day before. Avoid being snippy with lovers and others, but let yourself feel all your feels—and have a container to put them in, even if it’s just your journal for now.
When Mars in Taurus connects with Uranus on the 15th, expect cosmic eruptions in the form of wild and potentially unsettling news.
The new moon in Cancer arrives on July 5, softening and sweetening up the vibe, but potentially making us feel clingy and vulnerable. Set intentions for the Cancer-ruled house of your chart, and think forward through the next six months. What do you want to create and build in this part of your life?
The most volatile moment of the month comes on July 15, when mighty Mars in Taurus comes together with anything-goes Uranus, creating a crescendo of cosmic eruptions. We’re deep in election season by this time—and this is the week of the Republican Convention—so we’re bound to get some wild and potentially unsettling news around mid-month.
Our second full moon in Capricorn of the summer unfurls on July 21, at 29 degrees of the sign. Since the first full moon in this sign on June 21, we’ve been on a whole journey through this part of our chart. Whatever you’ve been carrying for the last 30 days, and/or the last six months, let it go for real.
The Sun blasts into Leo the day after the full moon, setting the stage for 30 days to blaze. It’s time to open our hearts, love like there’s no tomorrow, and to write, direct, and star in our own second-half-of-summer series.
July 2024 monthly horoscope for each zodiac sign
To get a fuller understanding of what you can expect from the above cosmic transits and others this month, keep reading for your zodiac sign’s July 2024 monthly horoscope. (A pro tip: Read for both your sun sign and your rising sign, the latter of which can offer an even more accurate horoscope, as it sets the order of the astrological houses in your birth chart.)
Looking for even more astrology insights? Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.
In This Article
- 01Aries Horoscope
- 02Taurus Horoscope
- 03Gemini Horoscope
- 04Cancer Horoscope
- 05Leo Horoscope
- 06Virgo Horoscope
- 07Libra Horoscope
- 08Scorpio Horoscope
- 09Sagittarius Horoscope
- 10Capricorn Horoscope
- 11Aquarius Horoscope
- 12Pisces Horoscope

You’re steeped in all things domestic as the month begins, Aries, but once planets begin moving into your fifth house of love, there is no stopping you from pursuing pleasure like it’s your actual job. Use the new moon on July 5 to reevaluate your relationship with your home, roots, and attachments to the past. The full moon lands in your status sector on July 23, revealing what you might need to release in order to really, truly shine on the professional stage. After the Sun moves into Leo on July 22, there’s a lot more sweetness to tap. Whether you’re single or attached, take note that your Tinder House is on fire for the next month.
Career and money:
Your planetary ruler Mars collides with Uranus in your financial zone at mid-month, so an unexpected yet very exciting monetary development is possible. You’ve been through an intense clearing phase in your career arena in the last month, and it culminates at the Full Moon on the 21st, a moment of deep reflection about what you came to earth to do. You may put some outdated professional plans to bed in order to achieve sustainable success in an arena that is more meaningful to you.
Love and relationships:
Big time passion begins to rush into your life the moment Venus enters your romance zone on the 11th, but watch out for jealousy to erupt the day after, as the love planet opposes Pluto in your friendship zone. This could be one of those moments when a situationship gets so tense that you’re ready to commit or quit.

You can emote like a boss this July, sweet Taurus. Cancer season calls for compassionate communication, deep listening, and co-creation in conversation. The new moon on July 5 is a moment to experience this IRL. Write down your goals for talking, thinking, and texting so the best ideas can start to manifest during the next six months.
Your planetary ruler Venus moves into your domestic zone on July 11, bringing love and romance home to you. On July 15, Mars in your stars has an explosive encounter with Uranus. It might be a good day to avoid confrontation—or even better, meditate, take CBD, and add in an Epsom salt bath for good measure. It’s tense as hell. After July 22, when the Sun moves into your home zone, you just might want to take a relaxing staycation.
Career and money:
You’ve got serious clarity about career matters this month, especially near the new moon —you can use this to pitch clients, edit your resume, apply for a new position, start a podcast, or begin a long-delayed writing project. However, with communication planet Mercury in your home zone for most of the month, you may prefer WFH over being in the office.
Love and relationships:
Partnership is sweet this month, particularly if you’ve got a live-in lover or have been thinking about moving in with your boo. Just be careful about misunderstandings and lovers’ quarrels around the Mars-Uranus conjunction in your sign at mid-month—you’re more likely to let small things get to you.

July’s stars show you what you’re worth, Gemini. The Sun’s journey through Cancer brings a strong emphasis to money and earning and their relationship to your values during the first three weeks of the month. Your ruler Mercury slips into your communication zone on July 2, powering up your star-given skillset. Talking, thinking, and texting come even more naturally to you than usual, so have that important conversation or send that long-delayed text.
If you’re in the need of passion and drive, Mars has plenty on offer after he charges into your stars on July 20. The full moon on July 21 is all about resonating with deep, powerful transformation and emotional intimacy—the kind that can make you feel like an entirely new person.
Career and money:
With a powerful new moon in your house of money and values on July 5, it’s time to set some specific goals about what you want to earn during the next six months. Whether this means looking for a new job or asking for a raise at your current one, use this lunation to get super specific about what kind of budget will afford you what you need and deserve.
Love and relationships:
The Mars-Uranus conjunction brings your psychic shadows to the fore at mid-month, and this process could make you feel relationally cranky and angsty. Thankfully, as you build up to the full moon on July 21, boundlessly deep erotic intimacy is possible between you and a lover. But you may have to let go of old expectations first.

Happy birthday darling Cancer! Your annual astro season is super sweet. The Sun and Venus deliver some serious pleasure to your door during the first few weeks of the month. The very powerful New Moon in your own sign on July 5 is an opportunity to set intentions for the next six months. Think of this like an extra allowance of New Year’s resolutions to manifest during the second half of 2024.
The full moon in your relationship zone arrives on July 21, helping you to unburden yourself of a heavy issue with a one-to-one partner. After the Sun follows Mercury and Venus into your money zone on the 22nd, your goals shift to spending and saving, not necessarily in that order.
Career and money:
July is both your birthday season and your cash cow. Mercury moves into your financial zone on the 2nd, followed by Venus on the 11th. You can talk about money matters more easily with anyone you share resources with, while simultaneously attracting new sources of income from mid-month on.
Love and relationships:
July’s stars sweeten up your love life considerably, and not just because it’s Cancer season and everyone is checking you out. Romance planet Venus is in your sign early in the month, and she trines magical Neptune in Pisces on July 11, making it a day of pure magic for your love life. The full moon in your relationship zone can help you get closure on a relationship from your past or heal an issue with a current lover. Don’t cling to old wounds, Cancer—the present is a gift.

It’s getting hot in (wherever you are as you read this), Leo. Your ruling luminary remains in the shadow of your 12th house through July 22, when Leo season officially begins. There’s a dreamy sensation to your waking life, but as planets begin to enter your fiery realm (starting with Mercury on July 2 and Venus on July 11) you’ll start to feel like you’re onstage, right in the center of the spotlight. Use the new moon on July 5 to tune into your dreams and fantasies—and set intentions to manifest them IRL.
The Full Moon arrives in your work and wellness zone on July 21–the second lunation here since June. If you’ve been stressed or even sick during the past month, this is your moment to let it go and emerge renewed in chrysalis form, ready for your Leo season glow-up.
Career and money:
Next month could be a bit messy money-wise thanks to Mercury retrograde in your financial zone, so now’s the time to get your ducks in a row in terms of your budget. If you were thinking of asking for a raise or applying for a new job this summer, hit up your boss or new client before mid-month if possible. The Mars-Uranus conjunction is in your career zone on July 15, which may bring a surprise!
Love and relationships:
When Mercury in your sign opposes Pluto in your partnership zone on July 3, relationship conversations could get pretty heated. It’s important not to let your ego dominate the dialogue. Instead, practice active listening and speak from your heart-space. Whatever the outcome, when you stay true to your desires, love will win.

You’re torn between socializing and hermit-mode this month, Virgo. With the Sun in your community zone, you want to see and be seen, but after your ruler Mercury enters your dream zone, part of you may want to rest and reset. Guess what? You can do both at the same time.
Use the New Moon on July 5 to set intentions for a thriving social life, focusing on the ways that networking can enhance your personal and professional life. Then at the full moon on July 21, consider what you may need to let go of from the last six months. If a romance didn’t quite work out or a creative project fizzled, it’s time to forgive yourself and move on. Virgo season will be here before you know it, and you want to be as burden-free as possible by the time it does—so you can live it up, step into the spotlight, and own your joy.
Career and money:
The Mercury-Pluto opposition could be a bit contentious for your everyday work life at the start of the month, so be wary of the way small stressors can become big problems when you overfocus on them. Instead of criticizing yourself or your co-workers, try to talk or think it through, emphasizing what’s working. Cue your career breakthrough!
Love and relationships:
As you approach the second full moon in your romance zone on July 21, you can finally release any fear you’ve felt about not being in the “perfect” relationship. During the second half of the month, remember that whether you’re solo or partnered, your life is full of love. Stop measuring it out in teaspoons, and start experiencing it in every cell of your body.

Your status soars this month, Libra, and your community is behind you the whole way. With the Sun in your professional zone through July 22, your career gets a big boost. Set intentions to accomplish your most worldly goals during the new moon on July 5. Note that VIPs are probably looking at your work right now, but there is definitely a major “I get by with a little help from my friends” vibe as well, because both Mercury and your ruling planet Venus are hyping you up from your friendship zone.
The full moon on July 21 speaks to an intense discharge of pressure in your home zone. Something that’s been weighing on you during the last six months should finally be released. You may have to let yourself let it go, however—notice if you’re holding onto your burdens too tightly, because you’ve gotten too comfortable with them.
Black Moon Lilith—the dark void of the moon associated with shadow work and unearthing repressed energy—entered your sign at the end of June. She’s going to help you to integrate your inner rebel over the next nine months. Get ready for a Libran revolution.
Career and money:
Networking opportunities abound after Mercury moves into your social zone on July 2 and then Venus follows on July 11. Yet there could be some confusion and complexity early in the month, after Neptune stations retrograde in your work and wellness zone. Make sure to clarify anything you don’t quite understand, whether in the company Slack or face-to-face. Don’t worry about offending your coworkers—this is not a time to be too nice.
Love and relationships:
After Chiron stations retrograde in your partnership zone on July 26, you can start to go deeper with old relational wounds. Profound shadow work that will positively impact your love life can happen during the next few months. When your ruler Venus trines Chiron on July 30, you should be able to see this path clearly.

Cancer season is an adventure for you, Scorpio. With the Sun in your sister water sign, you feel safe and secure enough to fly free and explore the world around you. Keep your passport ready and your carry-on packed. If you don’t have any trips planned, use the new moon on July 5 to set intentions for some major jet-setting during the next six months.
As Mercury (on July 2) and Venus (on July 11) move into your professional sector, you may feel extremely motivated to strive until you hit the professional stratosphere. This intensifies after the Sun enters Leo on July 22. The day before, the full moon lands in your communication zone, helping you to let go of something that’s perplexed you for the last six months through an important conversation. If that doesn’t feel comfortable or possible, writing about it in a journal will help you let it go.
Career and money:
Your professional life is where it’s at this month, thanks to the presence of Mercury in your career zone starting on July 2. But the opposition between the communication planet and Pluto on July 3 could be a bit tense, so don’t broach any important career conversations until after the Independence Day break. Come back to the office refreshed, and then hit those pitches with gusto.
Love and relationships:
Your passionate planetary ruler Mars spends his final few weeks in your relationship zone, culminating in an explosive conjunction with Uranus on July 15. This is an expect-the-unexpected, anything-goes moment for your love life. Mars moves into your eighth house on July 20, spicing up your sex life considerably for the next six weeks. Intimacy can be INTENSE but amazing.

Deep transformation is at hand, Sagittarius, as the Sun moves through your intimacy zone. There’s no wise way to gloss over the most important personal issues right now. You can use the energy of the new moon on July 5 to explore the parts of you that you often keep under wraps. Even if you have to dig deep and explore new levels of emotional vulnerability, it should be well-worth it for your growth as a person.
Planets are moving into Leo, your sister fire sign, heating up your travel zone. After Mercury enters here on July 2, followed by Venus on July 11 and the Sun on July 22, your soul’s mission to see the world will reignite. The Mars-Uranus conjunction in your work and wellness zone could bring a total surprise to your schedule. Try to gently manage any stress that comes from this change near July 15. The full moon on July 21 speaks to your self-esteem, helping you shed shame and reclaim a more authentic version of yourself.
Career and money:
The double impact of two full moons in your money zone over the last month culminates on July 21—a powerful moment to own your financial ambitions. The Sun and new moon are in your house of shared resources, so you may find yourself thinking about investments, taxes, and any cash that isn’t exactly classified as “earning.” More of this could be coming your way!
Love and relationships:
After Mars charges into your relationship zone on July 20, your passions surge to a level that could feel somewhat uncontrollable (especially with Venus and the Sun in a fellow fire sign). In short, you’re feeling hella sexy and more than likely in the mood for love. If you’re in a relationship, your partner is likely to be pretty psyched about this sudden flood of libido. But even if you’re solo, why waste this erotic energy?

July is all about relationships, love, and sex, Capricorn. With the Sun in your partnership zone through July 22, passion planet Mars in your house of pleasure through July 20, and Mercury and Venus moving into your sexuality sector, it may be hard to think about anything other than romance. Tearing you away from your ambitions isn’t always the easiest thing, but right now, you have an excellent excuse to loosen your grip on worldly achievements to focus on emotional/erotic connections.
Use the new moon on July 5 to set intentions for relationships during the next six months. The Mars-Uranus conjunction in your Tinder zone on July 15 could bring a total surprise for your love life, whether you’re currently single or attached. The second full moon in Capricorn lights up your own sign on July 21, offering you the chance to let go of the heaviest burdens you’ve carried since your last birthday. Release them, and step into a liberating kind of sovereignty for your whole body and soul.
Career and money:
The Mercury-Pluto opposition on July 3 could be a tricky moment for communication about your assets. It’s not the best moment for making investments until Venus moves into your shared resources zone on July 11. Mars moves into your work zone on July 20, restoring your passion about your daily duties.
Love and relationships:
Love is where it’s at almost all month long, but there is a clear emphasis on the relational realm while the Sun is in your opposite sign for the first three weeks of July. With Mercury in your intimacy zone, deep and meaningful conversations with a lover are possible—you can talk about the future with an equal measure of love and practicality. The new moon is an ideal time to think about the parameters of this discussion, no matter when you choose to broach it.

July brings a mixture of hard work and soft play, Aquarius. The Sun remains in your work and wellness zone through July 22, keeping you focused on meeting deadlines. But as Mercury, and then Venus make their way into your partnership zone (on July 2 and 11, respectively), you’ll start to tune into the “other halves” in your life, whether they’re personal or professional partners.
The new moon arrives on July 5 to help you forge plans for health and success during the next six months. Set intentions to make your schedule work for you instead of the other way around. The full moon in your subconscious sector provides space to dream on July 21, making way for deep introspection and self-awareness. You can let go of something that’s secretly consumed you for the last six months, clearing the way for profound healing of your psyche.
Career and money:
If you’ve got a WFH sitch, the Mars-Uranus conjunction in your domestic zone could bring a sudden change to the arrangement. Your boss may want you to come in more often, or you may suddenly decide to launch a side hustle that you can literally do from your sofa. The new moon can help you create any kind of new work scenario you might envision, so write all those dreams down early in the month.
Love and relationships:
When Mercury in your partnership zone opposes Pluto in your sign on July 3, relationships could be fraught, tense, and complex. Avoid pushing any buttons and deflect if a lover tries to bait you into an argument. Use the time in between to work things through, so by the time the Sun opposes Pluto on July 23, you’re ready to engage with compassion.

Love, romance, and sex, oh my! With the Sun in your fifth House through July 22, you’ve got access to all of this and more right now, Pisces. The new moon activates this part of your chart on July 5, helping you set sweet intentions for your next six months of creativity, pleasure, and play. After Mercury and Venus leave this part of your chart and move into your work zone, you won’t exactly forget the fun parts, but you’re likely to be more focused on getting stuff done than crafting your very own Romanstasy novel IRL.
Try not to say anything too outrageous when the Mars-Uranus conjunction explodes in your communication zone on July 15 (and avoid confrontation that week, if possible). The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 can bring closure to an issue that’s been lingering with friends for the last six months. You might collectively let it go so that the group chat can be a place of joy again.
Career and money:
Mercury moves into your work zone on July 2 and immediately clashes with Pluto in your subconscious sector. You might project (or have projected onto you) an issue that is separate from the actual matter at hand, so try to work through this before bringing it up with a colleague. After Venus moves into your daily activities zone on July 11, your working conditions can improve, along with your income.
Love and relationships:
During a spectacular month for your love life, there are few extra spectacular days. The Sun in your pleasure zone trines Saturn in your sign on July 11, bringing stability to your relationships. On the same day, Venus in your romance zone trines your modern ruler Neptune, bringing your fantasies to life.