

Yesterday I finally got down to Lower Manhattan join the emerging movement that is #OccupyWallStreet. There were at least 2000 human beings there, all ages, all cultures, all colors, and all full of love. Justice is coming. This is our American Autumn. Thank you, brothers and sisters from the Middle East, for setting such a beautiful example with your still-evolving Arab Spring. We join you in solidarity to take our power back from the elites.

But no matter how angry we are about the injustices of recent years, I realized something rather profound. This group of young people from around the country believe fundamentally in the concept of non-violence, following the example of Gandhi and Dr. King. And this means that, at root, we are all one. Even those bankers in their fortresses in the sky are like us — they breathe the same air when they leave Citigroup and Bank of America. Knowing that, knowing that in the end we are in this together, let’s focus on bringing everyone on board. After all, we are the 99 percent.

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