The longest night of the year during what feels like the longest year of our lives is upon us. The Winter Solstice arrives on Monday, December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a major turning point — if you’re sensitive to energy, you may already sense a powerful soul-shift taking root in the days leading up to the solstice. How can you use this powerful moment to deepen your connection to intimacy?
The Tension of the Opposites
Astrologers mark the turnings of the year by the seasonal solstices and equinoxes, not by dates on the Gregorian calendar. January 1st isn’t the start of the year for us! As we march forward into this winter of necessary stillness before a spring of total renewal, it’s time to look within and assess what’s deep underground in our psyches and our senses — this is e ssential work for sex coaches.
An important reminder: the moment the Winter Solstice arrives is the moment that the days begin to get infinitesimally longer. We won’t reach the apex of seemingly endless, sultry summer days until six months from now — at the solstice next June, bringing us the longest day of the year. The Winter Solstice directs us to be patient, slow down, and sit comfortably with our longing and anticipation. This is about the tension of the opposites of the seasons, and how that reflects within us. What could be sexier? Read More