Astrological Services

Why Work With Me?
With a compassionate, solutions-based framework – less woo, more what to do – I teach my clients to actively manage their charts so they can make astrology work for them every day – not just when they book me for a session. My astrology sessions are broadly based on a psychological and evolutionary approach to the personality, relationships, creativity and crisis. Long before life-coaching was even a thing, this is how I naturally began working with my clients, teaching them to understand the energy of their natal charts and transits from an empowered perspective.
Thanks to my training and grounding in both social work and empathic education, my astrology clients feel safer and smarter after we’ve worked together. My other area of expertise is sexuality, and a large part of my client work is dedicated to analyzing sexual energy in the chart, identifying blocks, shame and fear – and how to heal and release them. Pleasure is fundamentally a healing force and when I counsel clients, I aim to help them find their own center of pleasure again using their natal chart and transits.
The Writer to Astrologer Continuum
I was a writer before I was an astrologer, and writing about astrology led to my professional counseling practice. I became a practicing astrologer after the release of my first astrology book, Surviving Saturn’s Return: Overcoming the Most Tumultuous Time of Your Life, in 2004. Soon after, I began writing horoscopes for TEEN VOGUE, and spent 15 years as the resident astrologer at ELLE UK with my cosmic co-conspirator – the other half of the Saturn Sisters. In 2015, LOFT, the clothing brand, asked us to join their team. I’ve written about astrology for,, WELL+GOOD, and too many others to count.
My next book, SEX AND YOUR STARS: A SEXOLOGIST’S GUIDE TO THE EROTIC ENERGY OF THE ZODIAC, will be published by Sounds True in 2024. My new horoscope venture can be accessed via my Substack Pleasure Centers, where I write a monthly column called On the Erotic Ecliptic. (Interested in hiring me to write for your site? Reach out!
The theme that continually emerges in my writing about astrology and my client work is this: we are in a collective process of decolonizing, decarbonizing, and purging our psyches of the ravages of patriarchy and capitalism. This is happening simultaneously “out there” and “in here” in our own individual souls. I aim to help people dismantle these systems in their unconscious minds as we dismantle them collectively.
I initially studied what we broadly call “Modern Astrology” but have updated my training with an immersion in traditional concepts and techniques that have come to dominate astrological practice in the last decade or so. I use the outer planets in my calculations and generally cast first with a Placidus chart, but consult Whole Sign charts as well.
In my decades of work with clients, I have found that paying the closest attention to outer planet transits to vulnerable inner planets tells us the most about what a client is feeling and experiencing. As an expert in the Saturn Return transition and author of the first-ever book about this transit, I’ve counseled thousands of clients approaching this phase (in their mid-to-late twenties and mid-to-late fifties) and helped them navigate the challenges and rewards of this remarkable life phase. I also specialize in analyzing relationships and sexuality in the natal chart and love/sex compatibility charts.
How I Became a Star-Whisperer
I’m not a typical astrologer – and truthfully, until my late twenties, I thought it was mostly bunk—fun bunk, but bunk nonetheless. Many of my colleagues embarked on their careers from a place of faith, but not me. As a science-oriented writer, I couldn’t imagine that it worked until I experienced and evaluated how it worked. To put it mildly, I was a skeptic.
This changed after I found myself in a dusty old metaphysics shop in midtown NYC with a friend, shortly after breaking up with my long-term boyfriend, whom I’d been with for seven years (that’s one cycle of Saturn, I’d come to find out). As a joke, we got computer chart readings and mine, in an old-school typewriter font on perforated computer paper, had a paragraph describing the exact date I’d broken up with said serious boyfriend, with the headline “Breakups and divorces possible.” It explained that this was the end of a seven-year cycle (see above for why I freaked out so hard on this). The uncanny accuracy of this rather random, algorithm-generated reading was the exact moment I started taking astrology seriously. This was approximately when my own Saturn Return began.
Seven-year Cycles and My Saturn Return
I studied intensively for seven years (another cycle of Saturn – there he goes again!) before taking on clients. In a world where many who claim to be “astrologers” do so after watching YouTube tutorials and absorbing Instagram memes, I’m the real deal. I LOVE that astrology has exploded in popularity and one can study their own natal chart via app, but I do worry that it’s opened the door to an army of snake-oil salesmen. (Buyer, please, please beware of what’s out there, because untrained practitioners can hurt you.)
As with most things in my life, I found my way into my professional astrology practice through writing. My first full-time job in publishing (if you don’t count the awkward internship I did at a literary agency/small press in college) was for a company that produced mail-order horoscopes. (I should probably write a sitcom about this one day.)
My long-running ELLE UK horoscope column followed a stint with TEEN VOGUE – which wasn’t even my first horoscope-writing job! That came way back at almost the dawn of the Internet, when I was a wee lass just learning astrology in the late 90s. My very first horoscope writing gig was for a long-defunct entertainment site for teens in the early days when I first immersed myself in the stuff of stars.
Big Daddy Saturn, giver of cosmic wisdom and lessons, set me on the path that’s led to this wild, wacky, weird and wonderful work. I wouldn’t trade it, or the relationships I’ve developed with beloved clients and readers around the world – for anything.
Schedule a Session
Thinking about booking a session? My office hours for Zoom, Facetime and phone sessions are typically late afternoon EST on weekdays, but I’m happy to work with your schedule. If you can’t fit into my available hours via my Acuity schedule at the bottom of this page, please email me, and we can find a time to fit you in, then you can pay via Venmo or at the Paypal link below. One-hour consultations are $200, but sliding-scale options are available – I will not let income inequality prevent potential clients from getting the help they need. Just ask and we can work it out.
Planning an Event?
I’m also available for mini-readings for small or large parties and corporate events, so please inquire using the form below. If you have a group of friends interested in learning about any aspect of astrology, from the Saturn Return to the basic tenants of chart reading, I’m happy to tailor a workshop to your specific needs. Clients sometimes book me to come to their homes for small house parties/astrology workshops for friends, which is a great way to get a basic intro to astrology through your own chart. This is less expensive than booking an individual reading, super fun (cocktails! snacks!), and really informative.
Insta Book: you can secure a session with me below in two different ways. If you can’t find availability on my Acuity schedule above, you can pay via the Paypal link below or Venmo the fee to @stefanie-weiss-4, and I will email you within 24-hours to set up your session. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out via email:
Astrology Services
Astrology Consultations
I offer a variety of different astrological consultations, all of which can be mixed and modified depending on your needs or anything that evolves during a basic one-hour session. If you book a natal reading but need some insight on current transits, I’m happy to oblige! I invite my clients to email me before the reading to tell me a bit of what’s been going on in their lives and share anything that they’d like to work on, whether it’s a stubborn pattern, stressful situation, a creative block, trauma, a relationship issue, issues that persist from your family of origin, or simply curiosity about the how the stuff of stars makes you tick. Currently all sessions are via Zoom, Facetime, or phone. My offerings include:
Natal Readings: a basic personality/psychological reading using a mix of psychological, archetypal, and traditional astrology analysis.
Transit Readings: an analysis of the orbiting planets and their influence on the natal chart’s past, present, or future.
Solar Return and Profections: an analysis of the year ahead based on the “new chart” that is born on your birthday each year – this makes a nice birthday gift.
Saturn Return Readings: an analysis of the MAJOR transit that happens at approximately 29 and-a-half, 57, and 90 (when Saturn returns to where it was when you were born) marking a powerful transition and often a challenging shift. I wrote the first book ever about the Saturn Return called Surviving Saturn’s Return: Overcoming the Most Tumultuous Time of Your Life and it is one of my areas of focus and expertise. Please see my Saturn Return Coaching offering below as well.
Relationship/Compatibility Readings: an analysis of two charts in relationship to one another, using synastry and composite techniques.
All of the above sessions are one-hour for 200 USD. Book here, or if you can’t find an opening in my Acuity calendar, please pay via Paypal or Venmo and email me at with your receipt, and we’ll find a time slot that works.
Erotic Energy Mapping: A Sexual Astrology Consultation
Erotic Energy Mapping is a unique hybrid of clinical sexology and astrology in which the erotic energy of the natal chart is explored in detail. Taking a closer look at Venus, Mars, Black Moon Lilith, the Lot of Eros and the asteroid Eros, we examine desire, sexual attraction, kink, sexual inhibitions or blocks, attachment styles, partnership patterning, and anything else you want to know more about. This session is one-and-a-half hours for 250 USD. Book here, or if you can’t find an opening in my Acuity calendar, please pay via Paypal or Venmo and email me at with your receipt, and we’ll find a time slot that works.
Erotic Energy Mapping for Couples: A Sexual Astrology Consultation
Erotic Energy Mapping is a unique hybrid of clinical sexology and astrology in which the erotic energy of the natal chart is explored in detail. In the couple’s consultation, we use synastry and composite analysis to examine desire, sexual attraction, kink, sexual inhibitions or blocks, attachment styles, partnership patterning, and anything else you want to know more about. I will send you and your partner intake forms to send back to me at least 48 hours before the session.
Lunar Tuning: Monthly Astrological Coaching
In this twice-monthly astrology coaching series, we meet for one session before the New Moon and one session before the Full Moon, focused on the position of the Moon as it moves between the houses of the chart and aspects other personal planets, highlighting life arenas that are lit up during the monthly lunations. This work includes goal-setting, dream and journal work, ritual, integration, and if you want to include it, sexual wellness. You can book the first
session using my Acuity calendar here for one month, here for three months, here for six months, and here for a year to take advantage of package discounts. Before or during our first session we’ll figure out an ongoing schedule for our work together. Alternatively, email me to set up the first session and we’ll take it from there. I keep these coaching sessions limited to 3 clients a month because it’s intensive work, so I may need to put you on a waiting list.
Saturn Return Coaching
For those in the Saturn Return transition, which lasts for up to a year-and-a-half, depending on your natal Saturn placement, I offer ongoing support and coaching. This can be weekly or bi-weekly sessions where we dig deep into the nature of the Saturn Return, whether you’re approaching 29 and feeling the weight of the quarter-life crisis, or in your late 50s and experiencing a mid-life crisis. Together we’ll turn that crisis into a chrysalis as we investigate all the themes of your unique Saturn Return, looking at Saturn’s house placement, its aspects to other planets, and the experiences you had during earlier Saturn transits around the age of 7, 14, and 21, moving toward healing and resolution for the years ahead. We can meet weekly or monthly depending on your needs. One-hour sessions are 200 USD with package discounts available when you book for 3 or 6 months. Inquire via email – I am not offering these on Acuity right now.