
Pleased to be a featured writer (amongst great company, see link below) at this very cool literary salon in Chelsea. I’ll be chatting about what I call “Attention Deficit Dating” — we’ll discuss love & sex in the digital age. It’s all about pulling back the tangled sheets of 21st century romance and exposing the strange new rules of intimacy that mark the post-analog era.



A salon evening hosted by Hugo Perez
Featuring conversations, readings, performances, and improvisations on the evening’s theme because that is what civilized people do when they gather. These gatherings will follow Horace’s definition of the aims of poetry, “either to please or to educate” (“aut delectare aut prodesse est”).

Thursday, May 14th @ 8pm, TORN PAGE, On the theme of “SPECIAL CASES OF LOVE”

The evening’s signature drink will be the “LOST LOVE.” 
Suggested donation of $10 includes one drink
. There will be a cash bar for beer and wine and the evening’s signature drink.

TORN PAGE is a performance space and classroom on West 22nd Street in Manhattan dedicated to furthering the legacy of Geraldine Page by creating a vibrant environment for emerging and established writers, directors and actors in the performing arts.

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