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PRIDE meets Hot Lilith Summer

June 2024 Dates to Note

2nd: Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto (8:13 pm ET), Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11:57 am ET)


4th: Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (11:57 2:12 am ET), Mercury in Gemini conjunct Jupiter (6:23 am ET), VENUS CAZIMI/Sun in Gemini conjunct Venus 11:33 am ET)

6th: NEW MOON IN GEMINI at 16 degrees (8:37 am)

8th: Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (4:25 am ET)

9th: MARS ENTERS TAURUS (12:35 am ET), Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (6:35 am ET)

11th: Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (9:21 am ET)

12th: Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (6:47 am ET)

14th: MERCURY CAZIMI/Sun in Gemini conjunct Mercury (12:32 pm ET)

16th: Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11:46 pm ET), EROS ENTERS LEO3

17th: VENUS ENTERS CANCER (2:20 am ET), Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3:40 am ET), MERCURY ENTERS CANCER (5:07 am ET), Mercury in Cancer conjunct Venus (8:42 am ET)


20TH: Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2:12 pm ET), SUN ENTERS CANCER (SUMMER SOLSTICE) (4:51 pm ET)

21st: Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (12:22 pm ET), FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN AT 1 DEGREE (9:08 pm ET)

26th: Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (2:09 pm ET)

29th: Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (12:49 am ET), SATURN STATIONS RETROGRADE AT 19 PISCES (3:06 pm ET), Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (10:19 pm ET), BLACK MOON LILITH ENTERS LIBRA

HAPPY PRIDE, Y’ALL! And welcome to Hot Lilith Summer – I’ll get into that at the end of this forecast. Before that, some housekeeping: I’m gifting my dear readers 10 percent off all readings and clinical sexology sessions when you preorder my book, Sex and Your Stars: A Sexologist’s Guide to the Erotic Energy of the Zodiac – plus an opportunity to enter a drawing for a free reading! Use the form linked above or message me a screenshot of your receipt to redeem.

June delivers a Venus Cazimi for the ages, connecting us to the love we’ve been waiting for. This magical moment is already in effect as the month begins, but it perfects on the 4th and continues to flavor the rest of the week – sweetening up the New Moon, which is MUCH NEEDED right about now.

A cazimi indicates a moment when a planet is at the exact degree of the Sun – in Arabic, “cazimi” means “heart of the sun.” Some astrologers view the Sun as a kind of malefic, because it can burn us, but my work with the Sun centers around vitality and aliveness – seeing it as the part of us that wants to grow, glow, and shine. I write a lot about this in my book (coming July 30th!) but suffice it to say, this Venus Cazimi in Gemini can show us what that solar magic is made of in a very tangible, cerebral way. Some of us need this rational way of seeing (raises hand as a third house person).

Gemini Season is one of my faves (don’t tell the other seasons) because it favors flirting and sapiosexuality – how we can fall in love (or lust) with people’s minds. And with the Venus Cazimi happening here with Jupiter co-present, this energy is massively magnified. Sexy talk, sexting, sweet nothings, love letters, declaring your feelings/attractions, having long conversations late into the night, falling for your teacher/student, learning all about what makes a lover tick – we can indulge in any of these or each of these in no particular order, or all at the same time – think of it as erotic multitasking.

And did I mention that it’s PRIDE MONTH? Yes, it is PRIDE MONTH, dears – and this is an invitation to us all to celebrate love in action, everywhere, all the time. As you get ready in the morning, as you walk down the street, on the dancefloor, at the coffee shop — constantly emanating the energy of LOVE IS LOVE. Also, listen to love/lust songs – I made a Gemini Sex Jams playlist exactly for this purpose. This is a moment to remember that no matter what’s going on in our lives, somewhere inside of us our desire lives, and it wants to tell us all its thoughts. Usually, we turn the volume low, thinking that we can’t get through our workday with desire cranked up, but I wholeheartedly disagree. We should turn it all the way up – especially at the moment of a Venus Cazimi, because it can light us up creatively and in dozens of other ways.

One lens into Venus is as the goddess of peace. As we float into this moment at the start of June, it appears as if we may get the ceasefire and return of the hostages we’ve been marching for, screaming for, crying for – after 8 months of hell. This is by no means a sure thing, but experts who have been right about most things are telling us to have something that has been all-too-rare since last October – hope. As I write this, Israelis are out in the streets in huge numbers, demanding their government accept the agreement. I encourage all of you reading this to pray, do incantations, say the word “peace,” send energy to Palestine and Israel now and for the next days, post about it, share these thoughts and words with loved ones – to speak it out loud and tap the power of the Venus Cazimi to make it happen — and to make it permanent.

Jupiter is in Gemini, and as we work with this mutable air sign for the next 12 months in whatever part of our chart it’s charging up, we can begin to learn how to use our thoughts and words – spoken and written – more effectively and pointedly. Whatever your politics, if you’re still reading my forecast after all these months, I’m betting that this is what you want. And I’m telling you that collectively, we have an opportunity to plug into the universe and blow out our breath like we’re making rainbow bubbles – to whisper this incantation of peace and liberation into reality.

Let’s talk about the GLORIOUS news of last week — thanks to my dear friend Stormy Daniels – TRUMP IS FUCKED 10 WAYS TO SUNDAY. I knew the moment I saw Stormy’s chart back in 2018 that she was going to save the world, and we just witnessed her immense bravery and courageous truth-telling. Stormy put her own life at risk to tell that mushroom-dicked fascist to shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down. He was forced to listen to her words, and now he’s a CONVICTED FELON. This could not have happened without Stormy, so I hope you’ll thank her and show her your support. Buy her stuff, read her book, go to her shows – she’s a fantastic comedian, I’ve seen her do standup.

When I saw the chart of the moment the jury began deliberations, I immediately felt that the outcome would be bad for Trump (and thus good for the rest of the sentient beings on this planet). And hooh boy, the chart for his sentencing on July 11th points directly to his Mars in the 12th (prison) via a square from transiting Mars and Uranus. Even if it’s just a 30-day sentence, I think that fascist fucker is headed for a cockroach-filled cell. Yes, I believe that we should dismantle the carceral state, but not before Trump spends some time at Rikers.

The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th might feel like an extension of the Venus Cazimi from a few days earlier — and we can continue to use words as incantations to plant seeds for what we want for the Gemini house of our charts. This is especially potent for Gemini Suns born in the final decan of the sign, ruled by Mars and Venus. Break out your journal and write down your hopes, wishes, intentions, goals — whatever you’re calling them, and be specific about what you want to create/bring in. You can do this with a recording app on your phone as well, but something about writing longhand is powerful in this moment – eliciting the power of your brain through the movement of your arms and hands.

Things start to get a little complicated and challenging right after the New Moon (if you’re sensitive you might feel it sooner than this). We’re moving into a period of the month that features Venus and then the Sun squaring Saturn in Pisces (loneliness and heavy burdens, respectively). Then Mars moves into Taurus on the 9th, where he is less comfortable — it’s a fixed sign that can feel like heavy mud to this action-star sign, and when Mars feels like he can’t move, all hell can break loose. And because Mars will square Pluto in Aquarius a few days after it enters Taurus – the first time we’re experiencing this particular transit during Pluto’s still-new journey through early Aquarius – we don’t know what it will portend. What we do know is that it may be stressful personally and collectively. If a peace is struck earlier in the month, this is the moment when I’ll be most concerned about whether it can hold.

A few days later planets begin moving into Cancer, so life might start feeling softer, with less nervous system dysregulation. The Summer Solstice arrives on the 20th with its sweet elixir of a long, languorous, magical day meant for worshipping the Sun (with sunscreen on, of course.) Savor this; fall will be here in the blink of an eye.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is our first of two Cap Moons this summer, this one at 1 degree, and the follow-up lunation at 29 degrees on July 21st. This offers a helpful opportunity to release any burdens we’ve carried in the Capricorn house of our chart since last January — and to move all the way through it, from start to finish, during the time between these Full Moons. The p

Saturn stations retrograde at 19 degrees of Pisces on the 29th, slowing things down in the area of your chart ruled by Pisces. If you have any planets close to this degree, think about where and how you need to build better boundaries and anchor yourself in the particular themes associated with this planet and house. It may feel slow and plodding and frustrating, but if you grow roots and build foundations here, you’ll get to where you need to go. You’ll have five months to deeply consider this as Saturn travels all the way back to 12 degrees of Pisces before stationing direct in mid-November.

And now for perhaps my favorite moment of the month: BLACK MOON LILITH, my home girl, bestie, talisman and favorite goddess, moves into Libra on the 29th, where she’ll blow up patriarchy’s idea of beauty and femininity over the next nine months. I am starting to call this the Summer of Lilith and/or Hot Lilith Summer (which one do you prefer?).

It’s a BFD to have Lilith in the sign ruled by Venus, associated with women and femmes, during a time when we’re fiercely fighting for our bodily autonomy. Not only will BML be in Libra through the election, but she’ll be conjunct the South Node, the tail of the dragon, in September – helping us to flush out all the superficial ideas about what “womanhood” is supposed to be. I sense that we’ll be in the streets, marching, screaming, demanding that the Christofascists and their sponsors in SCOTUS take their fucking bullshit laws off our bodies.


This is part of what Black Moon Lilith can help us achieve during the coming months. Note where the Libra region of your chart is – this is where you’re being called to rebel against the heteropatriarchy and liberate yourself without being a people-pleaser. Guess where this is the moment my book comes out? Right on my ascendant! WHEEEEEE!!!!!

Go spread some love and good trouble — and don’t forget to dance.

Big love,
