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Here’s a little something I just started working on. I’m excited about the possibilities, and really hope you’ll join me!

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Occupy Your Sexuality

Thursdays at Noon in Liberty Square

It’s 2012, and some want to revert our culture back to the 1950s (or maybe even the 12th century). The anti-women, anti-choice, and anti-sex forces are coalescing to take away our rights to occupy our own bodies. In response to this onslaught of hate, fear, repression, and misogyny, Occupy Your Sexuality, in concert with COOLS (Cultural Occupation of Liberty Square) will offer a series of facilitated talks and workshops for those that want to fight back against the war on women. We’ll empower ourselves with copious amounts of pleasure, creativity, and all out FUN. The personal has never been more political: the American Spring will wake up not just our minds, but our bodies and libidos.

M15: Occupy Your Sexuality: How should Occupy defend reproductive rights and the the right-wing assault on women’s sexual freedom? Come to a brainstorming session that will unleash the creative power of the Occupy movement to address one of the most pressing problems of our current moment. (This is opening day for Occupy Your Sexuality, an ongoing OWS workshop in Liberty Square every Thursday.)

Facilitated by Stefanie Iris Weiss, author of Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable (Crown Publishing/Ten Speed Press, 2010). A Huffington Post blogger, author of nine books, teacher and lover of Occupy, Stefanie is helping to curate the Occupy Your Sexuality sessions. Follow her on Twitter at @ecosexuality. For more info, visit

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