

My signature counseling session is a unique hybrid of sexology and astrology that I call Erotic Energy Mapping. If you can’t find space on my schedule, reach out and I’ll find something that works for you. As always, I’m sensitive to your financial situation, so if you require a sliding scale, just reach out.

Many of my clients and readers are still struggling mightily with low/no libido, arousal issues, body image distress and social anxiety, all mixed with ongoing skin hunger and the need for touch since the pandemic. We are NOT the same as we once were. The trauma of what we’ve been through in the last few years is locked in our bodies, and even though pleasure can heal this, it might feel impossible to even FIND that restorative pleasure in the first place. Both single and partnered people need a better understanding of their sexual selves at this fraught moment. The pandemic, plus life in what feels like an ongoing cycle of climate grief and creeping fascism, has indeed created blocks/barriers to fulfilling that deepest, highest level of sustainable, life-affirming pleasure that all humans deserve. Together, we can fix this, and I give you this offering in service to that goal.

For these hour-long sessions, I’ll ask clients to fill out a sexual history intake form that includes their birth data. This history will inform my chart interpretation, and we’ll loop back and forth between the lived experiences and current concerns of the client and the reality of the natal chart and transits. We’ll explore the dynamics of the Sun sign/placement and aspects, Venus/Mars/Lilith/Pluto placement by sign, house and aspects, and conditions and placements in the 5th house (pleasure) and 8th house (intimacy/trust/abuse history). There will be the opportunity to extend this session into a series of sex coaching sessions if the issues that come up call for further exploration.

My clinical sexology practice is a trauma-informed, client-centered, shame-free environment where we get to the root of your sex and relationship concerns. Pleasure is at the center of our process, and my aim is to help you attain the deepest level of self-love, a sustainable capacity for intimacy, a healthy relationship with your body and ultimate solo pleasure. I will hold space for whatever you bring to our sessions, helping to restore your courage, playfulness, and immense orgasmic potential. This is where the healing lives. My practice is intersectional, LGBTQ-affirming, decolonizing, and welcoming to disabled people. People of all ages are welcome, from Gen Z to senior citizens. We are all beautiful and our pleasure matters, especially those who’ve experienced discrimination, othering, and marginalization.

I am trained in Dr. Patti Britton’s MEBES model, centered on mind, emotions, body, energy and spirit. This works fluidly with my 20-year career as a professional counseling astrologer. Energy is at the root of the process, and although I also work as a traditional clinical sexologist, if you prefer to blend these two modalities, we can dive even deeper into your natal chart, your tendencies, potentials, and using transits, learn more about what might be affecting your sex life right now and in the future. Book your session here.

With pleasure, Stefanie