Why subscribe?
Pleasure Centers is a newsletter about the intersection of the sensual, the sexual, and the sustainable elements of our lives — and how they center, connect, and heal us. In a world increasingly subject to threats from fascism, the climate crisis, and autocratic technocracy, we need everyday pleasure more than ever. Subscribe here to get full access to the newsletter and website.
Our bodies belong to us. I will use this space to write about the science, psychology, and culture of pleasure. I’ll dive into pleasure as praxis, pleasure activism, pleasure in the news, the politics of pleasure, sex work, other forms of labor, and offer tools, tips and tricks for bringing more ecstatic energy into your life every day.
You can subscribe to Pleasure Centers for free (and I hope you do). But if you want more from me, the sign-by-sign horoscopes from my monthly On the Erotic Ecliptic column are just $36 a year (there are a lot of other perks, too). This is not your granddaddy’s horoscope column, loves. I do not yet know where it’s all going, but I suspect what comes up may make some of you uncomfortable in the best way by pushing your boundaries and making you think about the nature of your own desire – something that can be scary to confront. These horoscopes will give you a monthly map of what you might find yourself longing for and some ideas about how to get it. These sex/love/romance horoscopes are long, juicy, detailed, and tailored for Sun, Rising, Venus, Mars, Lilith and Eros placements, so if you know your chart you can read the horoscope for any or all of these and it should resonate, pointing you to some kind of awakening potency or latency that needs attention.
Paid subscribers get other goodies that aren’t available in the cheap seats. Expect special content built around full and new moons, discount codes for astrology readings not offered anywhere else, and one free sexology/sex advice/astrology question for yearly subscribers — you can ask me your question via email and I will take the time to respond to you personally, unlike the free subscribers who may not get their questions answered unless I find the query particularly intriguing or substantive, and I will only answer those in public newsletters.
See you on Substack, kittens.