
Please join me as I read excerpts from Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable and answer your most burning questions at Bluestockings Bookstore in NYC at 7 pm on May 26th.

Wanna know about the best green birth control options out there? Curious about what your conventional lube is really doing to your nether regions? Want to know the impact that your sex life really has on planet Earth? Sex toys, sheets, overpopulation? We’ll talk about bringing organic, holistic rituals into your intimate life, from your private time in the mirror each morning, to date-prep, to the down-and-dirty deed. Bluestockings is a supremely cool progressive bookstore with a fair trade cafe, so come and browse before or after you get your book signed.

Bluestockings is at 172 Allen Street on the LES of Manhattan. Directions can be found here.