The Four Questions of Eco-Sex
Welcome to the first entry of 30 Days of Eco-Sex for the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day. The Four Questions of Eco-Sex (Not Necessarily Kosher for Passover, but definitely SFW) Why do we eat only organic, fair-trade, non-GMO and locally sourced foods? Because treating your body like a temple is one of the smartest, sexiest ways […]
Keep Your Aphrodisiacs Sustainable This Valentine’s Day
The New York Times covers one of my favorite topics this week: aphrodisiac foods. In A Viagra Alternative to be Served By Candlelight by Sarah Kershaw, some persistent myths are shattered. Even though Kershaw says that chocolate’s reputation as an aphrodisiac is highly exaggerated, I prefer to remain under the illusion that it’s magic, simply […]
Michael Pollan's Food Rules: Short, Sweet, and Sexy
If you haven’t read Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma or In Defense of Food, you may not have come across his most famously quoted “food rule”: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” His has distilled the messages from his previous books into the short, pamphlet-like Food Rules, ready and waiting for your consumption at the […]