

Build a library in new style

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur erit qui in ea voluptate. Feugiat consequat eu sed eros. Cras suscipit eu est sed imperdiet. Curabitur ultrices dolor magna, at vene natis lacus rutrum nec. Vestibulum quis posuere ligula. Fusce […]



Welcome! I just gave birth to this site, so expect kinks for a little while (and not the fun kind). I’m a freelance writer, author of nine books and dum da dum dum…. an astrologer. If you got here through my Twitter page, you probably know me as an impossibly opinionated anti-fascist feminist/pleasure activist. If […]

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