Author: Stefanie

Excerpts from Eco-Sex Live on

Looking to go green in more areas than just recycling? Don’t neglect your love life! In her forthcoming book, ECO-SEX: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable (Crown Publishing/Ten Speed Press), Stefanie Iris Weiss (one of the Saturn Sisters) shares earth-friendly tips on how to date and mate. Here’s your sneak peek…

Tune In, Turn On, and Unplug for Earth Hour

Earth Hour is almost upon us. Today at 8:30 pm local time, join the ecosexual revolution by dimming the lights. (And shutting off your laptop, your Blackberry, and whatever other energy-whoring items you use.) What better excuse could you possibly have to go green between the sheets? If you’re reading this past 8:30 pm local […]

Do You Need an Eco-Sex Guide (from

Over at Planet Green we’ve covered the basics for greening the more erotic parts of your life, with biodegradable condoms, recyclable dildos and a more environmentally sensitive approach to love making. If you want more, there’s a new handbook called Eco-Sex coming out at the end of this month from author Stefanie Iris Weiss that purports […]

PETA and Octomom, Together At Last!

Always spay and neuter your pets, dearies — that goes without saying. You gotta love PETA for how far they’re willing to go to spread their message (a great message that I fundamentally agree with). But now, according to Treehugger, they’ve gone and hired the Octomom, the woman who looked overpopulation in the face and […]

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