
In part one of this series, I introduced you to the concept of Eco-Sex or Ecosexuality, an emerging discipline that combines ecology, sexuality, art, and activism. Understanding Ecosexuality as an abstract theory is one thing, but bringing it directly into your life–live and in-person–takes the concept to a whole other level, making it accessible and real. In part two of this series, I’ll share tips and rituals for sexual wellness through the lens of Ecosexuality, but first, let’s review!

Holistic Sexuality is Healing, Practical, and User-Friendly

One way to understand Eco-Sex is as a kind of holistic sexuality, one rooted in sexual practices that don’t harm the planet. This is what my book, Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable is all about. For me, Eco-Sex is but one tool we can use to cope with climate-change-induced solastalgia , the “homesickness we feel when we’re at home.”

I ask my readers this question: if you care about the fate of the planet and want to preserve it, do your sexual practices reflect those values, too? If you want to have a long, flourishing sex life into your elder years, it’s wise to focus on these issues , because the choices we make today (in the bedroom and in every other part of our lives) will affect the health and habitability of our planet in the future.

Here’s a practical approach to developing an ecologically-friendly sex life. It incorporates sustainable, body-safe sex toys, organic lube, proper disposal of condoms (never flush!), eco-conscious beauty/primping products, sustainably manufactured lingerie and bed linens, organic, locally sourced and vegan aphrodisiac dinner dates, chemical-free, body-safe birth control, recycled fetish-wear, and more. I always tell readers that being a conscious consumer also requires thinking about the people who make and sell your products: are you buying from a big-box store or a union-friendly shop? READ MORE HERE

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